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Letters to Winston
LOOKING GOOD on PAPER – Medical Reports II
I am sorry to go on like this Winston, but let’s face it; we are all concerned with our image. It is a basic human trait. Doctors are not immune. When I last wrote, my feelings were running high regarding the reports all doctors are responsible for completing. I...
Writing Medical Reports
Yes Winston, I am very opinionated about writing medical reports. Any document in medicine has a purpose for being created. Those purposes have evolved as well as the manner in which the information is generated. The types of reports have multiplied. My obsession with...
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator
Winston Yes, I am aware of the national TV ads for the hypoglossal nerve stimulator for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Earlier this year I prepared an information sheet on the subject. I will add it to this letter. It is a second line therapy and works for a limited sub...
What is the AHI (Apnea Hypopnea Index)
Dear Winston It is inspiring to learn of your interest in sleep apnea. I will be happy to do my best to simplify, clarify and muddy your understanding of the AHI. AHI stands for Apnea Hypopnea Index. It is the standard for defining the presence...
Wuhan Virus
Winston July 3, 2020 Thank you for sharing your friend’s newspaper opinion piece on the current epidemic with me. Congratulations to her on her writing success. She is very emotional in her response, which is not unexpected for a non-medical...
A Right to Healthcare – Its not that Simple
Winston Oct 29, 2022 Yes, I will try to answer your question. I understand your training has led you to believe that healthcare is a right. Why, you ask, did I pause before saying, “It’s not that simple. But if it were, the answer would have to...
Open Letter to Winston
Winston Yes, I received your note. I apologize for my delay in setting this up. Your idea to post these so you can keep track of them was a good one. I will select a few of my past notes and post them here for you. I found...
Rat Journals, Sturgeon’s Law and the Hawkins’ Corollary
Dear Winston Ref: Rat Journals, Sturgeon’s Law and the Hawkins’ Corollary Yes, I know I have mentioned Hawkins’ Law to you many times. And yes, you need to know what I mean. I will answer that for you with a little background. Have you heard of...
The Causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea – The How and Why
There are complex airway dynamics resulting in blockage of the upper airway producing Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Although complex, the process can be viewed in a general non-technical manner to help one understand the causes of obstructive sleep apnea. In...
Causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea – The Who (Prevalence)
When we have medical problems, we all want to understand the ‘who’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the condition. Knowing may lead to changes or corrections that might fix and potentially remove the problem. Many professionals have invested their careers...
Apnea – A Word with Many Uses
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a very common malady. It is familiar to many and is frequently a subject of both social and medical conversations. Individuals not engaged in frequent work with Apnea conditions may be confused by its usage and rightly so. Discussions and...
The Goals of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment
“Why am I using that this thing?” they asked me. This ‘thing’ they were referring to is also known as CPAP. Many people find themselves having had a sleep test and they are not sure why. They have a CPAP machine (Constant Positive Airway Pressure...
Science’s Ugly Face and Coronavirus, Spring 2020
I am reminded of a cartoon from the 1960’s. People can be seen bowing before an altar, an empty altar, with the name ”Nothing” on it. On the top of the altar, there is nothing. It is empty. In the rear looking towards the altar,...
Coronavirus Risk and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Are you at increased risk of a serious coronavirus infection if you have obstructive sleep apnea? No one knows, although one day that information will be available. What do you do when placed in a situation with an unknown that can affect you drastically? What we...
Coronavirus, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and CPAP
Week four of our national shut down. Do you have your obstructive apnea under control? I hope this finds you healthy and sleeping well. What does having this virus around mean to you and others with obstructive sleep apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea is a chronic...
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea
What is sleep apnea? It is an extremely common condition that should be understood by everyone. Sleep apnea is a temporary blockage or obstruction of our breathing while we sleep. A person with sleep apnea experiences repeated blockages of their air passage during...
A Bear in the Bedroom
Many, if not most people, come to doctors, sleep doctors or clinics because of symptoms or at the request of a family member. Symptoms can be almost any issue with sleep and its quality, but nonrestorative sleep with daytime tiredness is the most...
The Elephant in the Exam Room
Welcome Welcome to The Sleep Center blog. I know, just what you need, another email, another electronic interruption to your life. But, with a little bit of luck you will find some pearl, some nugget, some small fact that will make you sleep better,...