Do you or someone close to you have a sleep problem?
This website is designed to help you understand sleep problems and how they are evaluated.
Improving Sleep with Knowledge
Meditations on Medicine & Things Featured Blog
Frequented Pages
First Steps to Consider

Seeking an Evaluation
The traditional approach to evaluation involves a physician assessment, testing if deemed indicated and post test review and recommendations. If a disorder of sleep were diagnosed, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, then long-term follow up would be needed.

Home Sleep Apnea Testing
Home sleep apnea testing is an overnight recording that you will carry out on your own. Home sleep apnea testing became available in 2005. It has been widely used in the field of sleep medicine since the government, through Medicare, accepted it as a diagnostic test for obstructive sleep apnea about six years later.

Selecting a Sleep Center
There is no accepted definition of a sleep center. In general, sleep center is a label applied to a business or a unit of a hospital that at a minimum provides testing for sleep disorders. A full service sleep center will include physicians practicing sleep medicine with patient care, including initial evaluations and long-term care, in addition to testing services.
Sleep Disorders
Difficulties during sleep vary from minor to life threatening. Often knowing basic information about the issues can help one understand how sleep physicians view the problems and decide what should be your next step. These pages are designed to give a basic understanding of sleep disorders. Remember, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. Always consult with your physician for proper personalized recommendations and care.
Sleep Movements
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Sleep Apnea / Breathing Problems
Medications & Other
‘Dear Winston’ (Sleep Blog)
LOOKING GOOD on PAPER – Medical Reports II
I am sorry to go on like this Winston, but let’s face it; we are all concerned with our image. It is a basic human trait. Doctors are not immune. When I last wrote, my feelings were running high regarding the reports all doctors are responsible for completing. I...
Writing Medical Reports
Yes Winston, I am very opinionated about writing medical reports. Any document in medicine has a purpose for being created. Those purposes have evolved as well as the manner in which the information is generated. The types of reports have multiplied. My obsession with...
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator
Winston Yes, I am aware of the national TV ads for the hypoglossal nerve stimulator for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Earlier this year I prepared an information sheet on the subject. I will add it to this letter. It is a second line therapy and works for a limited sub...
Fact Sheets
Periodic Limb Movements (PLMS)
View and download the Fact Sheet below.
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator (Inspire)
View and download the Fact Sheet below.
REM Behavior Disorder
View and download the Fact Sheet below.